I have collected some awesome wall art over the years for my office. It's mainly ideas that had a lot of impact on me, and I found a picture to represent it. Some is motivating, some is a reminder. Here's a picture of each piece and what it means to me.
1. Hats Off To The Bull - I had this custom made by a friend of mine. I had a realization that in business the odds are against you. You are basically setup to fail. Inc.com says 96% fail before 10 years to be exact. As I was realizing this and experiencing the pain of startup I saw a video of a bull winning in a bull fight. That to me represented winning in business, so I had this picture made. I hate to be "anti-human" but let's give a hand to the bull, who kept fighting, kept getting stabbed, kept bleeding, but kept fighting until he eventually jammed his horn into the matador's back. Hats off to the bull.
2. Everything In Your World Is You - This is by one of my favorite artists Alex Grey. His art is such a trip! This one he calls "Oversoul" and for me it represents something I have trouble explaining. Basically, everything in your life is a reflection of yourself. If that's success, a broken relationship, a fear, etc. These are all coming from within yourself, and they are looking back at you. All world changes come from within.
3. Innovate Or Die - This is pretty self explanatory, but I really do believe this to my core. In business if you're not innovating, you will be dying. Even if it's a slow death. This reminds me to keep improving and Innovating. This poster is from a company called StartupVitamins.com . They have some awesome stuff.
4. Ain't Nobody Got Time For That - This is from a very viral video that you can see here. Pretty hilarious stuff. Funny because at the time I was studying time management from a Darren Hardy book, and this video came along. I was realizing that in business if I'm spending time on things that aren't valuable, I'm losing. This is funny and a reminder to spend time on the things that matter.
5. Life Is Short. Do Stuff That Matters. - This one is crazy self explanatory but it's also crazy true. So many times I get lost in busy work only to realize I'm not doing much that matters. This reminds me to keep working on stuff that will make me proud when I die. Not what will keep me busy until I die. This is also from
6. Do Not Mistake Rushing For Results - movement for achievement, activity for productivity. This is just a sold gem from Jim Rohn. I love that guy. Wish he was still here. This is another reminder that busy doesn't mean shit. Results, Achievement, and Productivity do.
7. From This Hour Freedom - I LOVE this quote, it's by Walt Whitman. This represents the moment I quit trading time for money, and was able to see that the future is unlimited and in my hands. So much of what we think about work as a society is like being trapped in a fence. Go to school, get good grades, get a degree, get a job, get promoted, get a retirement, retire, and die. This is a fence and this for me is when I saw the other side and was never going back.
8. Strong But Not Rude - Kind But Not Weak - Bold But Not A Bully - Humble But Not Timid - Proud But Not Arrogant - Witty But Not Silly - This is another life reminder from Jim Rohn. I must admit I did some SLIGHT adjusting to the original, but it's basically verbatim. This is a reminder not to be scared to be strong, kind, bold, humble, proud, and witty, for fear of being rude, weak, a bully, timid, arrogant, or silly. You must pursue the virtues without fear.
At the bottom it says "Wise and Open Minded, Ambitious and Content. - This is a reminder that you can be two things that seem opposed, and in fact I believe you need to be. Never get caught up to much in your wisdom to not allow new ideas. Also always be ambitious but take time to be thankful and content. Easier said than done.